Sunday 11 November 2018

God is love – Song by Josephine Vine + lyrics

Memorize Bible texts with this beautiful song – lyrics below.

To make the words bigger so all the family can see them and sing together, press Ctrl and + and each time you do this the screen words will get bigger and bigger. To return to small again press Ctrl and – over and over till you get the size you want.

God is love, He sent His only Son,
God is love, that we might live through Him,
God is love, there is no fear in love,
God is love, perfect love casts out fear.

God is wise, the wisdom of this world,
God is wise, is foolishness with God,
God is wise, the fear of the Lord,
God is wise, is the beginning of wisdom.

God is rich, yet for your sakes,
God is rich, He became poor,
God is rich, that through His poverty,
God is rich, ye rich might be.

God is good, ye ask for the old paths,
God is good, where is the good way,
God is good, and walk therein,
God is good, and ye shall find rest.

God is true, His law is truth,
God is true, His truth endures for ever,
God is true, His truth shall be thy shield,
God is true, the truth shall make you free.

God is kind, to the unthankful,
God is kind, and to the evil,
God is kind, with lovingkindness,
God is kind, has He drawn thee.

Texts used are: 1 John 4:9, 1 John 4:18, 1 Cor 3:19, Prov 9:10, 2 Cor 8:9, Jer 6:16, Ps 119:142, Ps 117:2, Ps 91:4, John 8:32, Luke 6:35, Jer 31:3. (KJV)

God Is Love by Josephine Vine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Copyright (c) 2012 by Josephine Vine.


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